Master's thesis (TFM)

The Master's Thesis (TFM) is the result of developing a comprehensive work that synthesizes knowledge from various areas covered in the master's program. Its objective is to apply and evaluate the specific competencies acquired during coursework and workshops, while also testing generic and transversal skills such as work habits and the ability to synthesize. The student has 20–25 minutes for the oral defence of their TFM. This presentation is public and takes place before a panel composed of three professors from the academic program.


Content and Format

The final thesis must include at least the following sections:

  • Abstract (in Catalan, Spanish, and English)
  • Table of Contents, list of tables and figures
  • List of acronyms
  • Definition of objectives
  • Analysis of background, state of the art, and feasibility
  • Methodology
  • Development and analysis of results
  • Sustainability and ethical implications analysis (following the 'Guide for Incorporating Sustainability and Ethical Implications Analysis in Final Projects'). Due to the nature of the master's TFMs, this section should explicitly include only those aspects listed in the guide that have not been implicitly addressed throughout the work.
  • Conclusions
  • References


Administrative Process

TFM Proposal Registration

To initiate the administrative process associated with the thesis development and defence, the TFM must be registered by the student's supervisor through the TFG/TFM proposal registration form. If the TFM is conducted as part of an international mobility program, refer to the section "Thinking of Going Abroad?" (subsection "Master’s Thesis in Mobility Programs") within the "International Mobility" section of this website.


To enrol in the TFM, the thesis must be assigned to the student by their supervisor. Enrolment grants the right to supervision and evaluation of the TFM and must be completed before starting the thesis. According to UPC regulations, enrolment is valid for one semester. If the student needs an extension for completion or defence in the following semester, they must re-enrol, paying only the enrolment fee and not the credit cost. The enrolment period for each semester's TFM is outlined in the academic procedures calendar.


To submit the TFM, the student must upload the digital report in PDF format (maximum size: 40 MB) through e-Secretaria within the specified deadlines. If applicable, they may also submit the authorization document for publication in UPCommons. Before submission, the supervisor must complete the TFM progress report (milestone 3a) to authorize submission and defence.


The TFM defence period is listed in the relevant calendar. One week before this period begins, the supervisor must inform the MCTS program direction of the selected tribunal chair, as well as the chosen date and time for the defence. The tribunal (composed of faculty members from the academic program) includes a chair, a secretary (the student's supervisor), and a randomly selected faculty member. If applicable, a co-supervisor may participate in the tribunal with a voice but without a vote.


After the defence, the TFM is publicly accessible by default under a UPCommons licence. If confidentiality is required, the supervisor must manage the Confidentiality Declaration. This document must be completed, signed, and attached to the defence report.


TFM Proposal Offer

The offer of TFM proposals is defined based on three options:


Previous TFMs

In the following links, you can find TFMs defended in previous years.



For further information, refer to the Internal TFM Regulations.