
The master’s degree in Sustainability Science and Technology is an academic programme that is committed to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and that aims to provide students with advanced interdisciplinary training to help them understand the interactions between society, the economy and the environment. Graduates will also have a sound understanding of scientific and technical options and trends for tackling key challenges for the sustainable development of current socio-environmental systems.


Six essential elements for deliveting the SDGs (based on Figure 1 in the UN report "The Road to Dignity by 2030"

The degree will train students to become entrepreneurs and agents of change in the field of sustainable development. Based on their specialisation in areas related to biodiversity, the environment, the built environment, services, the production system and information management, graduates will be able to design, implement and evaluate sustainable solutions in different fields of engineering and technology. Graduates will have acquired skills that enable them to work in a variety of multicultural and professional contexts, applying a transdisciplinary approach based on scientific and technical rigour.