Do you want to go?
1. Calendar
The calendar concerning the procedures for going out within a mobility programme can be found here (only available in Spanish/Catalan).
2. Apply for admission
2.1 Before applying, it is very important to read the following documents in detail:
- Information on UPC student mobility on the GRI website.
- The web page of the host university (required English proficiency, exchange conditions, course requirements, etc.). Failing to comply with this requirements, leads to the loss of the place.
- In case of undertaking the TFM at the host university, a supervising professor has to be found with the help of professors of the Master`s degree Sustainability Science and Technologies.
2.2. The application for a place has to be done by means of the e-secretaria, before the defined deadline of each call (see calendar)
- Required English proficiency: B1 certified (some scholarships require B2 certified)
- ECTS per term: 30 ECTS
- Duration of the stay: 1 or 2 terms
- In case of submitting more than one application, a priority has to be assigned. The following documents have to be submitted in electronic format (mobilitystudents_out.camins @
- Curriculum vitae Europass
- Language certificates
- Letter of motivation
2.3. Evaluation criteria for the awarding of places:
- Academic record: 80% of total: weighted average grade (50%), efficiency rate (50%)
- Language skills 20% of total: official language (30%) and English (70%)
- If two students achieve the same evaluation, the curriculum vitae (50%) and the letter of motivation (50%) will be considered.
3. Resolution and confirmation of the place
Provisional Resolution: Can be checked at e-secretaria on the date fixed in the calendar.
Confirmation of the place: The student has to accept or reject the place within the established period via e-secretaria. If the place has not been accepted, it will be considered as a rejection.
In the exceptional case of withdrawal from an accepted place, this has to be communicated as soon as possible to the director, formally signed, indicating and justifying the reasons (e-mail: mobilitystudents_out.camins @
Application of vacancy: In case that none of the places, the student has applied for, are awarded to the student, or that the student has rejected a place initially awarded to him or to her, the student can submit a new application for the vacant places before the established deadline.
Final resolution: The fixed dates and the calendar can be found at e-secretaria.
4. Before going out
The formalities that have to be undertaken before going out, can be accessed on this link (only available in Spanish/Catalan).
Master thesis (TFM) within mobility programmes
In order to write the Master thesis within a mobility programme, some issues have to be considered:
- The student has to prepare a proposal for the TFM and submit it to the coordinator of mobility, who will assess the proposal, in order to find a supervisor at the host university and a tutor within the master of Sustainability Science and Technologies. The tutor has to be chosen before going out, so that he can overlook the project proposed by the host university, in order to make sure that it corresponds to the framework of the master programme Commitment of Supervision TFM
- In case that the student writes the TFM in the host university, it is not necessary to release the proposal or to register at UPC. The defence will be done at the host university, and the student will be in charge with:
- The nomination of a tutor at UPC who is able to advise him
- The specification of the title and the description of his or her TFM in the registration form that has to be completed, signed and stamped by the administration of the host university.
- The submission of the registration form, with the TFM in digital format (PDF file in CD format) at the administration of l`Escola de camins, once the mobility programme is completed.
- For more information about contents and format, see the page Master Thesis.
Health insurance card
The National Institute of Social Security (INSS) supports the framework for the countries of the European Union and Switzerland, using the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This coverage is valid for maximally one year. The card can be requested via internet at the electronic headquarters of the social insurance (click here).
5. During the stay and before coming back
You can find the procedures during the stay and before coming back on this link (only available in Spanish/Catalan).
6. Coming back
You can find the procedures for coming back on this link (only available in Spanish/Catalan).
7. Where can I get more information?
Information and management of mobility grants and scholarships
Information from the International Relations Office
8. Contact the Academic Secretary`s Office
Contact Link for Academic Secretary's Office